In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, Payment Integrity is evolving beyond its traditional role of avoiding or recovering overpayments. This presentation explores how Payment Integrity can become the foundational driver of business intelligence within Payer organizations. Instead of perpetually avoiding or recovering overpayments, we propose harnessing the vast expertise of Payment Integrity audit professionals to identify, aggregate, and quantify key areas of continued overpayment. By working collaboratively with various stakeholders, these professionals can provide a roadmap, specific details, and root cause analysis to fix system edit issues, negotiate improved contract reimbursements, and align reimbursement and medical policies with industry benchmarks. This paradigm shift not only can significantly reduce the medical cost of care, optimizes financial performance but also, this approach and expanded role can foster a culture of continuous improvement and cost-effective healthcare.

Dave Cardelle
AMS Intelligent Analytics
Advanced Medical Strategies (AMS) is the premier provider of payment integrity, risk management, and business intelligence solutions to identify and address excessive claims, prevent and recoup overpayments, and effectively manage the risks associated with high-cost claimants and group health underwriting.