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Pet Connect USA Sample Attendee List 4.11

Edgar Dominguez

Claims Integrity Business Manager
LA Care

Healthcare Operations expert with 20+ years of healthcare payer experience including 12+ years in Claims Administration with multiple fortune 200 companies.  I’m currently focused on implementing payment integrity initiatives aimed at cost avoidance by the use of data analytics.  I am a firm believer that data science is the wave of the future and will afford the healthcare industry with boundless opportunities to mitigate waste and reduce overall healthcare costs.

Edgar Dominguez

Claims Integrity Business Manager
LA Care

Edgar Dominguez

Claims Integrity Business Manager
LA Care

Healthcare Operations expert with 20+ years of healthcare payer experience including 12+ years in Claims Administration with multiple fortune 200 companies.  I’m currently focused on implementing payment integrity initiatives aimed at cost avoidance by the use of data analytics.  I am a firm believer that data science is the wave of the future and will afford the healthcare industry with boundless opportunities to mitigate waste and reduce overall healthcare costs.

Rama Elluru, Senior Director, Special Competitive Studies Project

I learned a great deal about trade secrets from the basics of "what are trade secrets" to great practice tips.

Adam Gershenson, Partner, Cooley

Great conference—practical tips from well-connected folks.