Aneta Klosek
Market Planning Director
LexisNexis Risk Solutions

Roi Lavi
Managing Director - Europe
Sqope Intelligence
With more than two decades of experience in the intelligence and financial sectors, Roi has been developing and expanding Sqope’s business in continental Europe since 2014, including directly managing some of its largest markets and key accounts. Based in Geneva, he works directly with over 50 banks, financial intermediaries, and other companies to help them meet their AML/KYC and ESG requirements.
Prior to joining Sqope, Roi, who is also a certified attorney, worked in the legal field at leading firms, including the risk and compliance department of one of the “Big 4”. In addition to his LL.B and B.A. degrees, he graduated with distinction from the University of Geneva with an Executive MBA.
Danila Rudenka
Global Head of Aerial Imagery
Google Switzerland GmbH

Sébastien Le Callonnec,
Principal Software Development Engineer