Nan Ding
Nan Ding is a Research Scientist in the Performance and Algorithms group of the Computer Science Department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Her research interests include high-performance computing, performance modeling and performance optimization. Nan received her Ph.D. in computer science from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 2018.

Sony Varghese
Dr. Sony Varghese is Senior Director of strategic marketing for memory in the Semiconductor Products Group at Applied Materials. In this role, he is involved in identifying challenges to scaling and future key inflections in the memory industry. Prior to Applied Materials, he worked on developing various memory technologies within the R&D organization at Micron Technologies. Dr. Varghese has over 25 U.S. patents issued or pending in the area of semiconductor processing and integration. He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical and Materials Engineering from The Oklahoma State University, USA.

Camberley Bates

Douglas Hutchison FRSE FRCVS NXD

David Tinsley

Beatrice Vos, PhD

Alan White

Ranveer Chandra

Professor Michael Lee